Black Parents Deserve:
With a commitment to "reducing health inequity and closing gaps in care for Black parents during pregnancy and birth,” Black Doula Project continues to fulfill this mission by providing funds for Black parents to be able to have a doula as a part of their birthing experience and postpartum care in the DC and Baltimore metro areas
The Black Parents Deserve video docuseries campaign serves as a visual tool to aid in increasing awareness of the organization's efforts. The docuseries tells the story of how a doula can be a change agent and advocate in their client's health care during their pregnancy and postpartum experience. Doula care is a critical lifeline for Black families at a time when research shows that regardless of socioeconomic background Black women are three to four times more likely to die from maternal complications than their white counterparts.
In candid conversations, Black parents, as well as doulas, will share insight into their birthing experience and postpartum care as well as the benefits of having the support of a doula.